Book release
Next December 14th, at 18:00, the book “UNA VIEJA AMISTAD. Cuatrocientos años de relaciones históricas y culturales entre Irán y el mundo hispánico” will be presented at Biblioteca pública municipal Eugenio Trías, 24 Paseo de Fernán Núñez (within Parque del Retiro, gate Sainz de Baranda), Madrid (metro Ibiza).
The vice president of our Spanish Society of Iranology, Guillermo Martínez Rabadán, is one of the co-authors of the work, collaborating with the chapter “La cobertura de la prensa española sobre las declaraciones del presidente Mahmud Ahmadineyad respecto al Holocausto [The coverage of the Spanish press on the statements of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad regarding the Holocaust].”